returning home: how to keep your volunteer abroad experience alive

Volunteering abroad can be a life-changing experience, providing the opportunity to explore new cultures, make a difference in the lives of others, and grow as a person. However, when the experience comes to an end and volunteers return home, it can be difficult to maintain that connection to the community they served and the organization they worked with.

Fortunately, there are many ways to keep the volunteer abroad experience alive even after returning home. Here are a few tips:

1. Stay connected on social media

Many volunteer organizations have active social media accounts, where they share updates on their work, photos and videos from their projects, and news and events related to the community they serve. By following these accounts and engaging with their content, volunteers can stay connected to the organization and the people they worked with, even from afar.

2. Subscribe to the newsletter

Most volunteer organizations have a regular newsletter that they send out to their supporters, highlighting their work and sharing stories and updates from their projects. By subscribing to these newsletters, volunteers can stay up-to-date on the organization's ongoing efforts and continue to feel connected to the cause they supported.

3. Share your experience with others

One of the best ways to keep the volunteer abroad experience alive is to share it with others. This could mean giving presentations about your experience to friends, family, and colleagues, writing blog posts or social media updates about your time abroad, or even volunteering as a speaker or ambassador for the organization in your local community.

4. Continue to support the cause

Volunteering abroad is just one way to make a difference in the world. There are many other ways to support the cause you worked on, even after returning home. This could mean donating to the organization, advocating for their work, or even volunteering locally in your own community to make a difference closer to home.

In summary, volunteering abroad is a transformative experience that can have a lasting impact on the lives of volunteers and the communities they serve. While it can be difficult to maintain that connection after returning home, there are many ways to keep the experience alive, from staying connected on social media and subscribing to the newsletter, to sharing your experience with others and continuing to support the cause. By doing so, volunteers can continue to make a difference in the world and keep the spirit of their volunteer abroad experience alive for years to come.


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