everyone has the power to change lives from anywhere in the world

sponsor changemaker megan

Megan is currently studying at the Cornwall Business School at Falmouth University and is joining TSAP Travel on her very own Madagascar Adventure this summer. She’ll be putting her business skills and sustainability knowledge into practice, as she supports our community development efforts. To raise money for her adventure, Megan will be swimming the 9km length of Coniston, the third largest lake in the Lake District, this summer.

This will be by far the longest swim Megan has ever undertaken, as always she’s demonstrating her commitment to the cause and helping us here at TSAP Travel continue our work near and far.

Sponsor Megan

Sunset Strays Dog Rescue

Sunset Strays is a project being launched by Cornish Start-up; TSAP Travel. They are dedicated to improving the lives of street dogs in Nosy be, Madagascar. Unfortunately, these kind-hearted souls are feared by locals, often dying of starvation or in road accidents, many are suffering.

After seeing how much love the street dogs have to give despite their harsh treatment, the non-profit have decided to do something about it. Providing local students with internships to support the work the organisation does near and far.



To help us continue delivering our English lessons to a high standard we need your help. We have been trialling using workbooks to support our English Classes in Madagascar and it has been going really well. Especially as we are always welcoming new students into our classes, it ensures students are able to get up to speed and all be at a similar English language level. HOWEVER, these workbooks cost £7.25 EACH to print. With ever growing classes, this makes it difficult for us to keep up. Our students would be extremely grateful for any of your support and especially for a workbook!


Donate a coffee

What does a coffee mean to you? We know that coffee has a variety of meaning to people around the globe, to those in the UK it might be the thing that gets you through your first meeting, in Ethiopia it’s the thing that pays the bills. In Madagascar the price of a coffee can be life changing, your £3:25 could truly change a life, by contributing to school fees, purchasing a set of school uniform or marketing materials for a local business. Your £3.25 goes further than you could ever imagine.


sponsor a young person’s education

We want you to know what you’re supporting when you donate to us, one of our goals for 2023 is to expand our Access to Education project by putting 50 young people through a year of school. School prices and the resources they require vary but average to £100. Unfortunately, no education is free in Madagascar, meaning many children end up working from a young age, together we change this and enable brighter futures for all.


Support our local teachers

As part of our first project in Madagascar we set up English classes across 4 different locations in Nosy be and in an effort to stop the continuous cycle of voluntourism we have hired some Malagasy teachers. By hiring local staff, we are able to ensure the classes are able to continue whilst we are outside of the country. It also helps the Malagasy people earn a wage, improve their employability and more. Click the donate button to support our local teachers!



We’re on a mission to partner with 100 CSR sponsors. If 100 businesses donated £50 we will have enough to ensure this year’s project goes ahead, meanwhile, if 100 businesses donated £100 we’d be able to send over 100 young people back to school, employ more Malagasy locals and support multiple families.

We now times are tough for businesses in the current climate but becoming a CSR Sponsor doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg and it boosts your marketing power, customer and employee retention.
