A day in the life of a volunteer abroad: what to expect

Ever wondered what a day in the life as a TSAP Travel volunteer is like? Well here’s your opportunity to find out, make sure to follow us on social media to see what life is truly like in Madagascar.

Disclaimer: The lifestyle in Madagascar is ‘mora mora’ which means ‘slowly slowly’. Meaning often things don’t go to plan, the local people might be late or busy, despite our plans. Meaning below is just a guide but if you’d like to find out what the day-to-day life is actually like in Madagascar you’ll have to join us on your very own Madagascar Adventure.


8am-9:30am - Breakfast and getting ready for the day

9:30am - 10am - overview of the day ahead, reviewing what everyone is up to, what classes there are, etc.

10am - 10:30am - travelling to destination (this could be to the cafe round the corner or further to meet with a participant)

10:30am - 12pm - laptop work, 1-2-1 engagement


12pm - 1:30pm - lunch

1:30pm - 2pm - team update, review of the morning and overview of plans for the afternoon

2pm - 3:30pm - finish up any morning work, make sure plans are ready for the evening class

3:30pm - 4:30pm - break, snack, dip in the sea, RELAX


4:30pm - 6pm - travel to class / workshop, dinner

6pm - 7:30pm - class / workshop delivery

7:30pm - 8:15pm - travel home

8:15pm - dinner (if you didn’t have dinner between 4:30pm and 6pm)

9pm - it’s time to wind down, play card games, watch a movie or head for a drink or two!

So there you have it! A typical Workshop day when volunteering with TSAP Travel. If you’d like to find out what a typical Excursion Day is like, make sure to follow us on social media so you don’t miss our blog posts!


Cultural immersion in madagascar: how volunteering helps you connect


Looking for a career propelling internship? Check out tsap travel’s Madagascar adventures