Looking for a career propelling internship? Check out tsap travel’s Madagascar adventures

Currently studying at university, graduating soon, or wanting to get some experience to take your career to the next level? Our Madagascar Adventure project might be just the thing you’re looking for!

TSAP Travel works with you to design bespoke projects that will benefit the people of Madagascar and ensure you stand out in future interviews. Whether you join our Access to Education project and deliver lessons and workshops to our advanced English speakers on a subject you’re passionate about. Inspire our entrepreneurs through sharing your business knowledge. Get involved in beach cleans and support the community make furniture through our Eco-brick Project or join our Animal Welfare Project, documenting and helping the street dogs of Madagascar. We’ve got the project for YOU.


Step 1: You attend a discovery call with a member of the team and we find out what YOU want your experience in Madagascar to look like, together you’ll do a bit of a brainstorm of the different activities you could get involved in.

Step 2: Our staff member checks in with our local TSAP Travel team in Madagascar to see if we can bring our ideas into reality

Step 3: We create a Changemaker Information document for you, outlining what your project will look like whilst you’re in Madagascar.

Step 4: You check over the document and make sure you’re happy with the activities

Step 5: You sign off on the project, it’s vital you let us know if you feel like something is missing from the Changemaker Information document, we can ALWAYS make changes.

It is important to bare in mind that our projects are situational and are dependent on the availability of the locals, meaning sometimes we have to adapt our plans.

We make sure you are part of the planning process and are listened to when plans need to be adapted in country. Our staff team hold weekly review sessions, where YOU get to tell the staff what you like and what you don’t. By taking part in these sessions we make sure that you get the most out of the experience and it truly does propel your career to the next level.


If you would like to engage in employability masterclasses you’ll have the opportunity! Our trained staff members can look over your CV, help you write a cover letter for a job you’re applying for and carry out interview practice. You let us know what you’re worried about or want help with and we will deliver workshops showing you how to take your job applications to the next level. See our range of masterclasses below:

  • Designing a CV

  • Create a Cover Letter that can be adapted for any job

  • Presentation Practice

  • The STAR Technique

  • LinkedIn 101

  • and more!

TSAP Travel was a business designed by a student, created for students and graduates to help them achieve employment that reflects their aspirations and that’s what we’re here to do. We will help you check those boxes on the job description, so you can propel your career to the next level!

To find out more about how we can help you, exclusive partner offers and more don’t hesitate to contact us.


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