What Madagascar means to me:

Madagascar is my safe place, it’s a place where there has been no hurt, very little stress and a lot of happiness. Madagascar has given me a best friend, a community, and my dream job. It’s taught me to slow down, immerse myself in my thoughts and feelings. I’ve learnt to reflect and introspect. In Madagascar I discovered the healing powers of the sea, my purpose and how to be me.

I have had and continue to have the opportunity to meet incredible people. Who have learnt what’s truly important and they’ve taught me so much. The importance of family and friends, the importance of people.

Unfortunately, no one will ever remember the things we bought, the money we had or the house that we lived in. However, people will remember, the time spent with them, how you made them feel and one or two stories from your travels.

Now don’t get me wrong, there’s been some tears here too. Leaving your significant other for months at a time, I discovered the hard way, isn’t easy. The cravings of food from England, getting exhausted from the heat and that time I lived without running water and electricity when I had gastroenteritis. Yes, there you have it, not everyday in Madagascar is easy. However, a good friend once told me:

“A shit day in Madagascar, is still better than a good day in England.”

I paused for a moment and thought about what he said and then, agreed with him. Even on a bad day in Madagascar or what’s usually a long day of teaching, planning, work events and socialising; being able to go and watch the sunset and take a dip in the Indian Ocean makes it a whole lot better.

Madagascar over the years has become my home away from home, a safe space, a sanctuary. It’s the place I go to slow down and take stock of my emotions and think about what I would like to do in my life; without thinking about the stresses that are often placed upon us by western society.


Skills changemakers bring & learn


becoming a changemaker in madagascar in 2024