becoming a changemaker in madagascar in 2024

Are you ready to embark on an incredible journey? Madagascar, with its stunning landscapes, unique wildlife, and vibrant culture, is calling out for changemakers like you who want to make a positive impact on this beautiful island. In 2024, you have the opportunity to become a changemaker in Madagascar by teaching English as a foreign language, supporting the start of the dog rescue "Sunset Strays," initiating the "Business in the Box" programme, and participating in community beach cleans. Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

Teaching English as a Foreign Language

As a changemaker, one of the most impactful ways to contribute to the local community is by teaching English as a foreign language. English proficiency opens up doors to better job prospects and ultimately improves the lives of Malagasy people. Organisations such as TSAP Travel provide opportunities to volunteer and teach English in local schools and community centers.

Supporting the Start of our dog rescue mission "Sunset Strays"

Madagascar faces a significant challenge with stray dogs. "Sunset Strays," is a project started by our 2023 changemakers and over the next 5 years we’re hoping to build the first ever dog rescue on the island. By participating in our Sunset Strays project you’ll be able to educate locals on looking after their canine companions and assist with providing food dogs without access to essential nutrition.

Starting the "Business in the Box" Programme

Entrepreneurship can be a powerful tool for transforming lives and communities. With the "Business in the Box" programme, you can support local entrepreneurs in Madagascar by providing them with the necessary tools, resources, and training to start their own businesses. By sharing your business expertise, you can empower individuals to become self-sufficient, create jobs, and spur economic growth in their communities.


Madagascar's stunning coastline attracts tourists from around the world, but unfortunately, litter and pollution often tarnish the natural beauty. As a changemaker, you can make a positive impact by participating in community beach cleans. These activities not only help preserve the environment but also raise awareness about the importance of responsible waste management and conservation.

Why Should You Get Involved?

Becoming a changemaker in Madagascar offers countless benefits for personal growth and creating impact. By participating in these initiatives, you'll gain valuable teaching experience, develop a deeper understanding of cultural exchange, learn about grassroots entrepreneurship, and contribute to environmental conservation efforts. Moreover, you'll forge long-lasting friendships with like-minded individuals and have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich and diverse culture of Madagascar.

How to Get Involved?

If you're ready to make a difference in Madagascar, TSAP Travel can help you embark on this incredible journey. By partnering with local organisations and communities, TSAP Travel provides comprehensive programmes that allow you to participate in teaching English, support dog rescue efforts, initiate the "Business in the Box" programme, and engage in community beach cleans.

To learn more and apply for one of these life-changing opportunities, visit our website or contact TSAP Travel directly.

Remember, the time to make a difference is now!

Note: Due to the evolving nature of international travel and volunteer opportunities, please ensure to stay up-to-date with travel restrictions, health and safety guidelines, and any requirements set by local authorities before making any plans or commitments.




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