How to get from london to nosy be madagascar

The age old question that everyone always asks is, how do I get to Madagascar?

Well, if you’re looking for an island adventure or are joining TSAP Travel as a changemaker, then you’ll be heading to Nosy be Madagascar.

Step 1:

Have some dates in mind. It’s good to be flexible with dates when travelling to Madagascar because a day or two can make all the difference.

Step 2:

Start checking on different websites. You’ve got you price comparison websites or you could head straight to Ethiopian Airlines, which offers the most direct route to Nosy be, Madagascar from London Heathrow / Gatwick. You fly from London to Addis Ababa (in Ethiopia), then from there you get on a 4 hour flight to Nosy be, Madagascar. The total journey takes roughly 15 hours.

Cheapflights: when searching here you want to put in your departure and arrival destination and then edit the settings to +/- 3 days and then hit search to find out which dates are going to be the most affordable. Also make a note of your departure and arrival airport in London , as often you leave from Heathrow and arrive at Gatwick.

Once you’ve had a scroll and found the dates and price that work for you, click through to see the different providers (pictured below), if you decide not to purchase your tickets through the airline/s, we recommend you do your research on the third party provider that you are booking your flights through to make sure they are reliable.

Skyscanner: when searching here you want to put in your departure and arrival location and then you can either search by specific dates (similar to Cheapflights) or you can search by month (pictured below). When you search by month you can see the prices below some of the dates indicating the price of your outward and return journey.

Then similar to Cheapflights you can choose your provider or book through the airline.

Ethiopian Airlines: currently the airline that offers the most direct route to Madagascar from London is Ethiopian Airlines, so you might want to have a browse on their website to see what the prices are. The same as the others you head to the website and put in your departure and arrival destination and the dates you would like to travel. Once you’ve done that, click search flights and it will let you pick your flights from London to Nosy be, Madagascar, at the top you’ll be able to see the different dates either side of your preferred date, allowing you to pick the price that’s best for you / the cheapest. Once you’ve picked your outward flights, you’ll move to the page where you can pick you return flights (pictured below).

Step 3:

Once you have chosen your flights and researched your flight provider, you get to purchase them! Then before you know it, you’ll be on your way to Nosy be, Madagascar.


becoming a changemaker in madagascar in 2024
