There’s plenty of ways to get involved

  • become a changemaker

    You could join TSAP Travel on a Madagascar Adventure programme, where you can be on the frontline sharing your skills and knowledge with Malagasy locals. You’ll also get to learn all about Malagasy culture through joining the team on a variety of immersive experiences.

  • Donate

    Do you have a birthday or wedding celebration coming up soon? Instead of a gift why not ask them to donate to a not-for-profit? By donating you could be supporting employment, paying for someone’s education, providing schools with resources and more.

  • corporate sponsor

    What we do would not be possible without the support of our corporate partners. Because of them we were able to deliver our 3-month pilot project in Madagascar, Nosy. Where we were able change hundreds of lives for the better. Find out more about our CSR partner benefits here.